Archive for the ‘Our thoughts…’ Category

NZx13th April: Bannock Brae Estate

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
posted by malcolm


A “real” kiwi experience  -?

Looking for a genuine southern kiwi wine experience? Sure you can go the likes of Felton Road, Gibbston Valley or any of the big names in the Queenstown/Wanaka area.

Next time you are down in Bannockburn make the effort to call on Bannock Brae Estate You’ll get to sample some great wines, with a great view, on the front porch of Crawford and Catherine’s house. This is up close and personal with the growers, and hey the wine is great!

The website says they produce the finest Pinot Noir from the terroir of Central Otago – this is definitely 100% Pure You.

Ka kite ano


NZx 7th April: Welcome

Thursday, April 7, 2011
posted by malcolm


Welcome to the first NZx blog.

In these series of regular blogs by Interpretation New Zealand (INZ) we will feature some of our views on the ever changing face of NZ tourism.  We will also occasionally drag in some ever useful thoughts from colleagues who sage advice we think might be mind provoking.

Our particular emphasis will be on the visitor experience: that is viewing and commenting on a range of experiences we have in our everyday travels around NZ and occasionally overseas.

We will try and put ourselves in the visitor’s shoes and give you their perspective on their NZx.

Our approach will be up front and no holds barred.

For those with long memories you might recall a video shoot shown at a TIANZ conference in Rotorua a few years ago. In the shoot they travelled to a few key places and secretly filmed their experience’s. I recall people squirming in their seats as some NZ icons were shown in their true light….

In our case we will comment on the great, and the not so great, NZx.

If you are on the receiving end of one of our blogs, contact us to find out further information on how we can improve and add to your visitor offer!

Feel free to post your thoughts on our views – we love to share!

Ka kite ano
