NZx22nd April: Hanmer Springs Hot Pools

Friday, April 22, 2011
posted by malcolm


Isn’t technology great –?

Recently returned from a session at the Hanmer Springs Hot Pools . After mastering the long queue which stretched outside the door we attempted to open the outdoor lockers to store our gear.

The Pools web-site states “instructions on locker use are provided at the lockers”. Okay our group is pretty techno savvy but there is no way the on screen “instructions” (and we use the term loosely) made logical sense.

Flagging down a passing bather proved more successful… needs to be logical and follow a normal human brain pattern but it didn’t in this case.

While rated as “# 2 in AA’s Must-do for Kiwis” it’s the simple things that make an experience seamless.

Ka kite ano


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