NZx: the art of inspiration/leadership
For this months blog we thought we would look at the art of inspiration/leadership in the visitor sector.
This thinking came to our front of mind last week when we dined out in a tourism focused town. As the only diners that night we received adequate service, but no more. This is in sharp contrast to the situation we encountered while filling up the car with petrol on the West Coast last year. In this case the attendant thanked us for choosing to use their service station and spend our money with them, as opposed to someone else.
After our dining experience I reflected on what was a lost opportunity for the hospitality business. My view is that any business echos the leadership and inspirational traits of it’s leaders.
Over the years I have been lucky enough to have worked with some amazing and inspiring leaders. One thing they all had in common was that they showed some or all of the traits noted below, and in some cases more.
Of course there have been a number of leaders that didn’t reflect these traits, their leadership style is probably best summed up in this link
The future challenge for managers/mentors/team leaders across the visitor sector will be ensuring they implement these traits (and others) as our borders open up. Do you inspire/lead/mentor using these building blocks?
Thanks to Vala Afshar from Salesforce for the prompt!
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